Tuesday, August 21, 2007

thoughts go round and round

I had a strange feeling today.
My eyes were constantly watering up.
It all started when I saw a homeless man on
the side on Rt. 40. My heart just sunk and filled
with compassion, but I didn't know what to do.

It brought to mind what Derek Web said at Purple Door.
About how christians are too caught up with what is right and
wrong. We let that get in the way of walking out lives of love for God
and other.
And he talked about the kids who are suffering in Africa and how he think
"Christians don't give a shit about the children in Africa"
instead they are more concern and offended he said shit.
I agree 100%.

I am starting to rethink things.
Be my guide, Lord.

"Cause I was a pharisee,
I never saw my need for grace;
Then your love came to me
stood next to mine, and I saw that I was poor.

Show me I was poor.
Show us we are,
show us we are.

Glory, glorious.
We are glory, glorious.
Not from what good we have done
but from being the least."
~as cities burn


exquisite said...

Wow, that's awesome. I didn't catch Derek Web, but what he said is defininitely true.
I was just thinking about that the past few days, actually. Me and Keaton watched "The Pursuit of Happyness", and there was a part in the movie that I had never noticed before. It's where it shows a whole bunch of homeless people waiting in line to try and find a place to stay at this church, and a car drives by the homeless people with some rich teenage kids enjoying themselves and not caring one bit about the fact that some people don't have a place to stay in, much less a car to drive.

It really made me cry.
And I think it definitely is sad that Christians are constnatly trying to live up to a set of "rules" instead of genuinely loving one another.

Sarah said...

You sound like a good candidate for another foreign missions trip. :)

I definitely agree. While I tend to lean towards legalism, I totally agree that caring for people the way God does is something lacking severely among Christians. Going to Russia I think definitely helped open my eyes a lot.

Libby said...

Just dropping by to say hi (this is Libby) =)

Zoanna said...

You have the stuff of a missionary, my young friend. The gift of mercy, eyes that see the hurting.Now, let me ask, what is one thing you can do today to go from seeing to doing? I would be so blessed to watch you and Sarah and Stephen and other compassionate young people start up something active to reach the homeless and hurting in our area. What say you?

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