Saturday, August 25, 2007


My friend from the Chicago area, Mary, came to visit this week.
The last time we saw each other was July 06 at Cornerstone.
It was wonderful getting to catch up with her again,
plus getting to show her around town. :)
And of course, you can't come to Maryland and not try some blue crabs,
which indeed we did.
indiana mary

macbook party :)

good times.
now it is my turn to go to Chicago!

school starts monday for me.
going to essex community college.
taking four classes. two every morning M-F.
then possibly starting work at Weis after labor day.
the fall begins.


exquisite said...

Aw, you all look so wonderful! I'm sure it was a delightful time :)

Good luck with college!

Misty Lloyd said...

pretty ladies!
I know how good it must have felt to see her; I finally saw a friend last night I hadn't seen in two years.
but f'real, good luck with your schooling!

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