Wednesday, October 3, 2007

come down, heaven

Last week, I was chilling with my sister and we were talking about her pregnancy. She was saying how much she hated those nine months of discomfort from such a little person. But now as she looks back and seeing that it was little Jonathan in her belly, it changed her whole opinion. If only she could have seen him before the pain began, she would have looked at things different. If only she had known how much she would love him and care for him. It is hard to love someone that you can't see. Especially when they bring you so much pain, it is so easy to think fully about yourself and forget what the end will bring.

Strangely, this little conversation with Bonnie became a wake up call to me. It reminded me of having faith. It is not easy having a relationship with a God you can't see. I too often forget that He is there. It is as obvious as an eight month pregnant women's belly, but I get so caught up in wrong things. Priorites get placed in the wrong order.
Living out faith is worth giving up everything, and the end result is far greater than we can imagine. Just thinking about heaven and what's in store is beyond exciting. No time. No worries. New bodies. For eternity. With Jesus.

I find it fasinating that God could use even a simple conversation to encourage someone in their faith.

Trust everything will be for the good.

Come down, heaven.
Won't you come down?
Won't you cut through the clouds?
Won't you come down?



1 comment:

Sarah said...

So true! Thanks for the reminder.

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