Wednesday, January 20, 2010


january 15, 2009, I adventured to a new county, australia.
january 15, 2010, I adventured to a new city, nashville.

I've been trying to move to nashville for the past 2 years.
every year when we'd visit my father's family here,
I always felt drawn to it.
Finally it has all worked out!
And it would be foolish of me to not give all the credit
to the Lord. He has provided for me in every way
to be here:
in-state school tuition at Nashville State CC
my parents approval
an amazing church community
living in East Nashville
with the greatest roomates one could ask for:
the Pritchards and Wizard!
Hannah's amazing cooking skills :)

God's been testing me a lot to trust Him fully,
it is something I always struggle with.
It's hard for me to trust something/one I can't see,
which makes sense because I'm a very visual person.

yet I am also extremely kinesthetic.
I tend to feel things a lot more than others.
and very quick to sense how others are feeling.
which can be an advantage and a burden.

The thing is God knows how He made me
a trillions times better than I know myself.
He knows my struggles and failures.
And for some reason He is still faithful to me,
even when I ignore Him
for boys or money or worldly possessions,
which sadly is more times then not.

I want to be content in feeling the Lord's presence
where ever I am. in whatever I am doing.
and reflect that peace and love to those around me.

Well now I'm trusting a job will come
when He wants me to have one.
Every time I get a job I tend to get "too busy"
so maybe it's a wake up call and good thing.

keep the main thing the main thing.


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