Monday, July 30, 2007

what a day

oh what a glorious day!
full of life.

my amazing sister had her baby tonight [July 30, 2007].
such relief.

our new proud parents

lots of waiting around

yes, we even played Uno.

but then after lots of pain and pushing came the baby boy!
we got to the hospital 6:30am and the baby was born at 8:30pm.

he bonded with us all right away

he is sooo cute

well, it has been a long day.
a word to describe it: overwhelming.
it was really rough to see my sister in so much pain.
at times, it had me in tears.
but she got through it and I love her so much.

He has a name finally!
Jonathan Robert.
cute. cute :)

If you could keep Bonnie and the baby in your prayers.
A lot of adjusting to do.


Sarah said...

Sorry I haven't commented in awhile! I've read all your posts though, so let me just comment on them all right here:

Your nephew is adorable, congrats on another cute nephew.

The shelf in your room with all the pictures looks awesome! It's so fun to look at old pictures.

I feel your discouragement about the job. I didn't get a job the first summer I tried (didn't try very hard though) Then, last summer I had to apply to TONS of places (anywhere they hired under 18, not in the food industry) and it wasn't until I applied a second time did I get my job. I see the beauty in patience though, I learned a lot and grew so much, and I definitely now see why God had me wait. I love my job, and he didn't want me to settle for just anything. At the time, I thought I was "just settling" at Michael's, but now I don't want to leave! You definitely have more options being an 18, so hopefully something will work out. B&N would be fun. If it doesn't work out, have you tried It was actually applying to Michael's through that website that got me the interview and job there.

Happy belated birthday!

Glad your trip went well. I didn't realize you guys were considering moving. You'd definitely be missed!

Glad your pink eye is completely healed...and that I didn't get it. :)

Sarah said...

p.s. sorry that was so long!

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