Monday, July 9, 2007


I love virginia and tennessee.
so beautiful.

my 4th of July was mostly spent in the car driving to VA then all around Roanoke/Blacksburg area. My parents are very interested in moving to that area so we checked it out. On Thursday we drove to TN to look at University of TN and visit family. UT has an awesome Geography program that I am interested in. I got to meet some Powells I never knew existed :). Friday we were back in VA to attend Revive as guests of the Roanoke Sovereign Grace Church for the weekend. Revive is a conference that consist of 4 Virginia churches coming together. My parents reason for making us go was to meet people from the Roanoke church that they hope to be apart of. I admit it was very awkward since I was from none of those churches but I got to meet a lot of sweet people.

the future is very blurry, but I need to trust it will all happen for the good.

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