Friday, June 15, 2007


I hate it when you know you are right and the person you are trying to convince is too stuborn and old to have an open mind about it. their listening is more hurtful then helpful. it especially hurts when they are judging someone that is very dear to you. yet the problem can always be pointed back to yourself. I need to stop being so ungrateful and bitter. it is humbling to be aware of how little control I have of anything.

"unless you can part my ribs like the sea
and make stone beat, then there's no hope for me

unless the east never meets the west
unless you set my sin between your shoulderblades
and forget

part my ribs like the sea and change me
'cause stone doesn't beat
and rock hearts don't pump anything
but I've grown not to mind because at least
stone doesn't sling like blood
or spill like guts across the floor
where the bloodsuckers want more and more and more."

as cities burn


exquisite said...

So first of all, thank you so much for that sweet comment :)

And also, I'm sorry about that situation you're in. I'll be praying for that. But you're definitely right about the humbling reality of how little control we have over situations.

~your NormaJersey <3

Sarah said...

Yay for an update.

I'm sorry to hear about what you are going through. Even though I don't know any details it sounds difficult. It's encouraging to hear you're handling it in a godly manner, so thanks for your example.

In Russia, God had to teach me a lesson on humility and knowing I'm not in control. Definitely humbling, I fully agree.

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