Sunday, February 18, 2007

weekend events

I had Katelyn's photoshot yesterday and possibly a second one tomorrow.
Also yesterday, I went to a local hardcore show with Rob. I hadn't been to one of those is a loooooong time, it was crazzzy.

Purple Door revealed some of there lineup yesterday. It is looking mighty good. And finally this year, my 5th year going, I have photo priviledges. hooooooray! I am also excited tot beworking merch with Ashlee.

If you read this (I honestly do not think anyone does) and you pray, I would highly appreciate it if you could ask the Lord to heal my eyes. Within the past 2 weeks I have been to the Walmart eye doctor 4 times and it shall be 5 times this Thursday. I hurt my lil eye balls by wearing my contacts for wayyy to long. oops! The healing process is going slow, but the Lord is good in that I even have my sight.
Also if you could keep my father in your prayers, he fell on the ice and broke his right foot on Thursday. He will probably be away from work for awhile. The Lord has been good in this situation in so many ways too.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about your eyes. I've gotten "scolded" by the eye doctor about wearing mine too long in one day, and one pair longer than 30 days. It's a bad habit of mine. Hopefully this will encourage me to change.

Will pray for your dad.

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