Monday, December 17, 2007

cursed with...

This is what I looked like today.
strange? yes.
but this morning, I woke up with pink eye AGAIN!
third time within the last 6 months.
I am cursed.
I had to where a pirate eye patch and sunglasses
because when you have pink eye your eye is VERY
sensitive to light. so anything helps.

the reason I have it is my own stupid fault because
I kept using my contacts from the last time I had pink eye
which was November 2nd. dumb, I know.

I deserve to be blind.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm sorry! Feel better soon.

I'm really bad about changing my contacts, too, and am surprised I don't have medical problems. Maybe down the road? Hope not!

Libby said...

The pirate patch is cute....I dreamed about pink eye the other night after reading this post. ha.

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